Missouri Fake ID


Best Missouri fake id is printed on teslin and includes the Real ID gold star circle. Laser engraved tactile date of birth and tri-color optical variable ink design. Microprint and ultra violet design on both sides of the card. Backside scannable 2D barcode.



Best Missouri fake id is printed on teslin and includes the Real ID gold star circle. Laser engraved tactile cardholder date of birth you can feel with your finger.

Tri-color optical variable ink design consists of stars, state seal, text Missouri and year it became a state 1821.

Microprint in the background design with perforated Dogwood flower outline.

Ultra violet ink visible under black light consists of stars, wave lines, cursive Missouri and year 1821. Backside ultra violet design features a cardholder ghost image and date of birth.

Card backside has a redundant cardholder date of birth printed and a scannable 2D barcode.


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